Monday, November 3, 2014


Strength is not something you are born with. Strength is not given to you in a pretty little package all tied up with pretty paper and a bow. It is not something you suddenly wake up with. Or just decide on a whim today I am going to have strength.

Strength will surprise you. It is there that day when you do not realize it. It sneaks up on you. It is the day you realize I made it through the day and everyone around you is left in awe that you are still standing. Little by little it creeps into your daily life.

The little things happening to you & around you help to build the strength that you will one day know is there. Things happen and you are left to wonder why did this happen. Questions will come to mind as to why this happened. We see what is right in front of us. Not what is down the road in the future or right around the corner.

People want to blame GOD when things do not go the way we want. Because of free will that GOD gave us, we are left to make our decisions. Whether right or wrong. If we ask for GOD's guidance and then do what we want, we must be prepared for the consequences. Good things & bad things will happen in our lives. We can allow these things to destroy us or we can gain strength from them and be better prepared when the next storm comes.

Strength is what comes from the storm when we survive. If we rely on GOD's strength to get us through we will be better able to rely on him to get us through the next wave. You will trust he will be by your side and that you are not alone. That is how building strength begins. Trusting GOD with the little things so he can be there when you have the hard things come up.

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