Sunday, December 7, 2014

Strength of the Unknow

Strength of the Unknown

When a child is born they have two blood lines, one of the mothers and one of the fathers. They have stories one from the mothers and one of the fathers. A child can learn a lot about their history and themselves through their parents. But what happen if that child's does not know one of their biological parents or both. Well I am one who does not know who their biological father is. For any person who does not know their biological parents, there can be emptiness, or a constant search in their life. For example questions:  did I have brothers/sisters? do they love me?, would he/she even be proud of me?, or for me, is he a Christian? Questioning all the time and searching for the unknown could cause heartache for years to come. I would be the first to admit, I want to know who my father is. I have asked the question of others and myself, on Father's Day and wedding day. I wonder what it would be like if I had known him. I admit I was jealous of others around me. They got to say the word Dad. I would love to have said that to. For many years this has causes me heartache, but one day someone told me "Hey you do have a father, we call him God!!" I was blind to what was really important, and who truly loved me. He is a father to the ones without parents. So after hearing that the next time someone called their father, Dad or I went to a wedding and a dad spoke of their daughter, I had strength, to smile.  I had strength, not knowing my father didn't matter to me. Because I loved my Lord and he loved me as his child. That was better than even knowing who my biological father was. Then I started realizing something even more, my Grandpa, who I call Pa, stepped up to raise me. He was a dad that God sent me to be the dad I needed. Yes he was not my biological dad, but it takes more than DNA to be a parent. Pa did everything a dad should do, teach a child about God. He loves me even when I make mistakes, made sure I had a proper education, and that I was taken care of.  So see not having the strength to overcome an unknown can cause use to be blind to what God has done for us and who he is to us! See God loves you, he sent his son to save us from our sins, you can always trust in his promises. He will comfort you when you are hurting. He never lies and he will never leave you. I am thankful I had the strength to overcome the unknown and to see the beauty in front of me. I am proud to say I have the best father in the world, God, and he gave me a true blessing also, my earthly father here, Pa!

Love you Pa, Thanks!

Jesus love you


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Strength to Forgive

Strength to Forgive

As we were going over are Sunday school lesson, about Joseph forgiving his brother, God put something on my heart. I was born to a single mom, who wanted the party life, she could not even say who my dad is. She was in and out of my life. My grandparents had to take on the true roll of parenting me. My mom brought men into my life that would hurt me. I am a victim of child abuse. There was physical, mental and sexual abuse.  My mother told me once that she can never say I love you to me. This hurt the most! Some of us would say, I would never talk to her or even her part of my life.  She was always able to say I love you to the men in her life. But God had bigger plan and I am glad I listen to him instead of letting anger take control.

In the Bible, Joseph's brothers, were just as awful. They threw him in a pit to die, changed their mind and sold him instead. They told his father he was dead. Through all of this, Joseph loved The Lord, and trusted in God’s plan. Because of his Love for The Lord, Joseph had Strength to forgive his brothers when the time came.

Just like I would, when I became a Christian at 16, I totally didn't understand forgiveness. I was young, learning, I didn't know how to handle my mother. Over time I started learning that Jesus forgives anytime we ask, and that it's important for us to forgive the ones who have hurt us.

One day at a friend of mines mother’s funeral, my friend’s grandmother asked me to forgive my mother. That's all she asked from me, no prayers, just forgive. I didn’t understand how this lady whose daughter had died in an accident could be asking ME to forgive my mother. So I had to have Strength that day if I was going to forgive my mother. Because I love my Lord, I knew that what he would want me to do. So I did.

Because of the strength to forgive her came from Gods strength. I had a change of heart. My hurting heart was turning to a heart to show God’s love toward her. She looked broken, not evil, realizing my mom was sick, she had a mental illness. She didn't understand what she was doing and she was doing the best she could. She needed someone to help her. She needed someone to show her the Love of Jesus. When someone would say something bad about her or make fun of her, it broke my heart, because she was someone we are supposed to forgive, love and help. I wanted to stick up for her. I admit there were times I would make fun of her too. Every time I felt sick with myself, could not believe I didn't just stick up for her like I wanted to. I realized I needed her forgiveness too. 

Over time she and I could finally talk on the phone laughing. She even finally said I love you.  Sadly my mother and I didn't get many years to grow even closer or even have that mother/daughter relationship. My mother died suddenly on Feb 4, 2014.

Though I am thankful for the Strength God gave me to forgive her, because she did get to see the Love of Jesus through me, I believe that's why she was living and acting so humbly in last few years of her life. I finally saw the Mom I always wanted. I can't say though, Yes she in heaven, because she never came out and said Yes I accepted Jesus as my lord and Savior, while I was here. But I have been told that when she was a teenager she made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Even though she walked away from God and choose not to follow him for many years. So I am relying on the fact that she did accepted and hoping she had the Strength to ask for forgiveness.
I am also thankful we were able to laugh and talk after all that hurt, If I didn't forgive, I know there would have been pain for the rest my life. So see hurt will come, but you can rely on God to help you have that Strength to forgive, trust me once you do, peace will come and life will be happier.

Love ya Kathy.

Jesus Love you

Hi I am Felicia Kruse. I am a Christian, I serve my savior Jesus Christ, who I believe died on a cross for all people sins, so we can have enteral life in heaven. He is the Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of a Lords, The great I am!  I believe God is the one true God and is the true giver of strength! I am married to my wonderful husband Justin! We have the most adorable dog named, Bebe. We are the proud parents of 8 saints in Heaven. I have wanted to share my life testimony with others. That's why I started a blog to help start that process.  I want to help other who need help in understanding where strength comes from and how it can help you in your daily life. I am hoping to share how I have been able to overcome the storms in my life, and help others going through a similar storm. The blog is called, Gaining Strength Together! Because our strength comes from God!  I am hoping with each blog I can show that real strength comes from God and how that strength can help you when a storm comes in your life. Strength is not something we are born with, it is something that comes over time through God! In every person’s life, there will be some storms and yes some can be so huge you seem like you are drowning. But with this week by week blog, I am hoping to tell my story and help teach you that God can give you strength, to battle any storm, as long as you are willing to ask him for it and having the faith to let him lead! Yes letting him lead might be a problem you have. But trust me if you are willing, you will have strength you never would realize you can have.  I have gone through so many storms, I can relate to about anything. I understand the loss of a child, I am a victim of child abuse, losing a loved one to cancer, to having a love one in jail and not knowing a biological parent and much more. Yes I am 28 and I am the modern day Job! Joseph, (from the bible), his storm lasted about 13 years, mine has been off and on for 28 years.  But I am still Praising God and will always Praise him. See my favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11, because I have the faith God has a plan! 

Jesus Loves you


Monday, November 3, 2014


Strength is not something you are born with. Strength is not given to you in a pretty little package all tied up with pretty paper and a bow. It is not something you suddenly wake up with. Or just decide on a whim today I am going to have strength.

Strength will surprise you. It is there that day when you do not realize it. It sneaks up on you. It is the day you realize I made it through the day and everyone around you is left in awe that you are still standing. Little by little it creeps into your daily life.

The little things happening to you & around you help to build the strength that you will one day know is there. Things happen and you are left to wonder why did this happen. Questions will come to mind as to why this happened. We see what is right in front of us. Not what is down the road in the future or right around the corner.

People want to blame GOD when things do not go the way we want. Because of free will that GOD gave us, we are left to make our decisions. Whether right or wrong. If we ask for GOD's guidance and then do what we want, we must be prepared for the consequences. Good things & bad things will happen in our lives. We can allow these things to destroy us or we can gain strength from them and be better prepared when the next storm comes.

Strength is what comes from the storm when we survive. If we rely on GOD's strength to get us through we will be better able to rely on him to get us through the next wave. You will trust he will be by your side and that you are not alone. That is how building strength begins. Trusting GOD with the little things so he can be there when you have the hard things come up.