Sunday, December 7, 2014

Strength of the Unknow

Strength of the Unknown

When a child is born they have two blood lines, one of the mothers and one of the fathers. They have stories one from the mothers and one of the fathers. A child can learn a lot about their history and themselves through their parents. But what happen if that child's does not know one of their biological parents or both. Well I am one who does not know who their biological father is. For any person who does not know their biological parents, there can be emptiness, or a constant search in their life. For example questions:  did I have brothers/sisters? do they love me?, would he/she even be proud of me?, or for me, is he a Christian? Questioning all the time and searching for the unknown could cause heartache for years to come. I would be the first to admit, I want to know who my father is. I have asked the question of others and myself, on Father's Day and wedding day. I wonder what it would be like if I had known him. I admit I was jealous of others around me. They got to say the word Dad. I would love to have said that to. For many years this has causes me heartache, but one day someone told me "Hey you do have a father, we call him God!!" I was blind to what was really important, and who truly loved me. He is a father to the ones without parents. So after hearing that the next time someone called their father, Dad or I went to a wedding and a dad spoke of their daughter, I had strength, to smile.  I had strength, not knowing my father didn't matter to me. Because I loved my Lord and he loved me as his child. That was better than even knowing who my biological father was. Then I started realizing something even more, my Grandpa, who I call Pa, stepped up to raise me. He was a dad that God sent me to be the dad I needed. Yes he was not my biological dad, but it takes more than DNA to be a parent. Pa did everything a dad should do, teach a child about God. He loves me even when I make mistakes, made sure I had a proper education, and that I was taken care of.  So see not having the strength to overcome an unknown can cause use to be blind to what God has done for us and who he is to us! See God loves you, he sent his son to save us from our sins, you can always trust in his promises. He will comfort you when you are hurting. He never lies and he will never leave you. I am thankful I had the strength to overcome the unknown and to see the beauty in front of me. I am proud to say I have the best father in the world, God, and he gave me a true blessing also, my earthly father here, Pa!

Love you Pa, Thanks!

Jesus love you
